segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015


Segue o relatório que fiz sobre a ida à duas ilhas Granadinas: Bequia e Canouan, onde plantamos árvores em sete escolas. Seis em Bequia e uma em Canouan. Eu conto a ida à ilha de Bequia, onde ficamos dois dias, e eu participei do evento em uma escola. Conto também a ida e volta à ilha de Canouan onde eu compareci à única escola local.
Foi um trabalho confuso, mal organizado, pesado, porque tinhamos de carregar tudo, inclusive as cem árvores, mas muito gratificante. As crianças são muito educadas! Sempre sorridentes, meninas cheias de trancinhas, meninos com cara sapeca, olhos e dentes enormes! Prestavam atenção direitinho em tudo o que dizíamos e, nas ilhas, faz sentido plantar árvores frutíferas, porque, apesar da grande quantidade, as árvores das ilhas não são frutíferas. Assim, nosso trabalho não me pareceu inútil, muito pelo contrário. 
Amei fazer isso, apesar de todas as dificuldades relatadas em inglês. Sorry, amigos, tive que fazer esse relatório e fiquei com preguiça de escrever tudo de novo em português.
Só quero acrescentar que a viagem de caminhonete, do porto até a casa onde ficamos, em Bequia, foi uma das experiências mais surreais que eu já vivi!
Depois de colocar toda aquela floresta, mais a bagagem mais a comida, as enxadas e o cano com os desenhos no carro, nós entramos, sem saber direito como, cavando um espaço. A colombiana pequenininha sumiu, foi engolida pelas árvores! Uma americana enorme, corpo atlético de mais de 1,80m, entrou num canto, mas ficou com uma perna de fora, ficou puxando a perna. No fim, conseguiu, mas ficou toda torta, e eu ria o tempo todo, até que ela ficou brava:
- Why are you laughing? This is not funny!
- I am laughing at all the situation! I think this is so funny!
E o professor, aquele vegano, mais o irlandês, dono da casa onde ficamos, não conseguiram lugar, tiveram de vir correndo atrás do carro, o professor vegano todo suado e o irlandês quase rôxo, de tão vermelho, ambos bufando! Very, very funny!
E até hoje, quando me lembro, dou risada... it was really hilarious!
Depois de ler os relatórios, voce pode dizer eu li na tela da


On Wednesday, 30 of September, All the CCC Team went to Bequia in order to do the Treelympics 2015 works. We had the help of Miguel and Keke.
After a long meeting in the night before, when we tried to organize ourselves, we woke up at 5 am, had a nice breakfast, and start to go at 6 am.
The RVA pick up was already full of one hundred trees, so only four of us could go in the car. Nadhia Keke and Lina went only to Chateaubelair, where stay waiting for the van, and the others went straight to Kinsgtown to get the 8:30 am ferryboat.
Everybody was anxious and a little bit stressed, because there was a long way to go, before reaching the schools, do the presentations and finally plant the trees.
Keke, Nadhia and Lina took a taxi in Cahateaubelair and arrived in Kingstown about 8:30 am. They had some tasks to do there, before taking the 11:30 boat. At first, they went to the Lime Store, to buy a chip for Nadhia’s phone. After, they go to the supermarket to buy some foods for everybody. It was almost on time.
At this time, came the first surprise. The CCC team was all in the port! They have missed the first ferryboat, and were waiting for the other at 11,30 am, sat on the floor, next to the gate, near the trees, the backpacks, the food boxes, the hoes and the pipe with papers. So they were all together again.
When the ferry arrived, they all carried the trees and the other stuff to the first boat floor, in the place indicated by the saylor.
The trip in the boat was very nice, and when they arrived Bequia, Mr. D., the owner of the guesthouse, was in the port waiting for them. Then, they had the second surprise and a big problem. The surprise was that Mr. D. had already hired a pick up, and the problem was that there was no place for such a forest in the car.
In order to solve this problem, there was half an hour of negotiations between Mr. D., Miguel and the driver about the price and the script  of  the transportation. Finally they agreed to take everything and everybody, with a new price. So, CCC team started to put their forest on the pickup. It was a hard work. Such a small space to fit so many things and so many people. The girls had to sit around the trees and keep holding so they do not fall.  It was dangerous, because they had no protection, and they were afraid of falling, at each curve.  There was no place for Mr. D. and Miguel, and they had to run behind the pickup.
But fortunately, it was not a long way.  Every schools were near one of each other, and we left twenty trees in each.
After these adventures, we arrived at Rambles Guesthouse, around 1 pm and could start our job as it was scheduled.

Canouan Government School (Lina and Kelly)
On Friday, 2 of October, Kelly and Lina left the guesthouse to take the boat to Canouan at 10 am. There was a difficult journey, walk till the port carrying 10 trees the pipe and the hoe. Kelly carried 8 trees, and Lina carried 2 trees, the hoe and the pipe with the papers. They had to stop several times to rest a little.
When they got the port, the ferryboat came soon. They put the trees inside and entered. The boat was very comfortable with conditioned air, and they became glad because it would be a nice trip.
But, in the middle of the journey, one of the boat’s engines was broken. So, the boat started to sail very slowly and swing a lot.  They arrive Canouan almost in time to do the presentation, scheduled to 1 pm.
Fortunately the school was close. But it is was hard to carry everything again till the school. They have to stop to rest several times.
The school principal, Miss Andrea received Lina and Kelly friendly. Took them to the classroom, and after greetings, they started the presentations with the pictures of the pipe.  The children paid much attention to the information and the teacher helped a lot.
Then, every children went to garden to plant the trees. The teacher indicated a place and they started to dig a hole. But it was not possible because there was a big stone. They started three other holes and they all had stones. Only the fourth hole was able to receive a tree. Kelly explained how to plant, while Lina took photos. Then, they went to the back garden, where it was easier to dig holes, and planted more four trees. It seems that the children were having a great time.
Some children showed to Lina and Kelly a mango tree that they had planted last year, and there was one mango in the tree! They were very proud of it.
Kelly and Lina gave the certificates and the flyers to the teachers, and after saying good bye and had a big collective hug with the children, they started to come back to the port.
The boat was supposed to be at the port at 3 pm. But it was late and arrived only at 4:30 pm. In the meanwhile, Lina and Kelly had a lunch in a nice small restaurant in the beach near the port.
When the ferryboat arrived, it could not get to the pier, because of the broken engine. Then it anchored in the middle of the Canouan bay. Lina and Kelly had to take a very fast boat to go to the ferry. A little complication to climb to the ferry, but, it was well done.
The journey which is regularly done in one hour and a half, lasted, about three hours. And the ferryboat was rocking a lot, all the time. There was a movie in the ferryboat about an earthquake in Los Angeles and San Francisco. So, there was an earthquake inside the boat, and outside, the strong swing caused by the broken machine. Lina and Kelly was keeping trying not to get too much sick, all the time.
At last, they arrived Kingstown around 7:30 pm, called Francisco and was allowed to get a taxi. There was two more hours of curves in a taxi, till get RVA, around 9:30, trying not to vomit.

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