sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015


                               BRINCADEIRAS COM CRIANÇAS

                           Segue o artigo que escrevi para o blog da RVA.
                           Foi o primeiro trabalho que fizemos com a população. Foi muito bom, mas seria melhor se fosse continuado, se, a partir daí, pudéssemos iniciar realmente um trabalho educacional com os professores, com os pais, envolvendo grande parte da população da cidade. Vou propor isso na primeira oportunidade que surgir. 
                           O problema é que não dá tempo, eles não tem o costume de fazer reuniões para avaliar o trabalho! Já estamos planejando limpar todas as praias e plantar cem milhões de árvores! Temos um monte de reuniões, decidimos uma porção de coisas, e  no dia seguinte, muda tudo, eles decidem tudo diferente, então fazemos novas reuniões para decidir tudo novamente. São muito confusos. 
                            Não sabem trabalhar com o povo. E quando conseguem um ótimo resultado como foi o dia das brincadeiras, não sabem dar continuidade. 

                           DRAWING IN THE  KID’S DAY

       The day before was dedicated to the preparations.  Food for snaks, toys and balls for playing, material for handicrafts, paper and pencils for drawing, make up to paint faces and a lot of creativity.  Everything ready, all set in the packed things. There was an expectation in the air. Everybody likes kid’s day!
         Play with children is always back to our own childhood and bring good memories for all.
      The very sunny and hot Saturday finally arrived, and everything was ready.  We climbed the small truck and accommodate all packages.  After a short drive, we get the Traumaca School, and started to tidy up the place.  Soon the kids arrived.
        They came alone (here, the children can walk alone in small towns).  The older children take care of the smallest. Girls are vain, very well dressed and  combed, with many hair braiding  and boys wearing own clothes to play football.  Very pretty and nice children!
         I was in a charge of drawing with them and took some animal figures to serve as a model. I know that children love to draw, but I never expected such a success!
         A lot of little children came to my table, at first only the small girls, as I expected, but little by little, boys and  older children also came and made beautiful drawings. The table was a small one,  but they all shared the space, the pencils and the snaks when it arrived, cordially,  without any fight!
         The older brothers gave the food to the minor in a very endearing way. I admired very much their good behave! And after they finish the draw, I took some photos.
         I talked with Miss Joetta Cline who is psicologist and works in the school, and she promised to keep the pictures and hang them in the wall, so that all children can see and show their work.
          The face painting and the handicraft table was a big success too! And all the boys love to play football!
           This way, the afternoon passed by so quickly and so happily!
            It would be very nice if we have a kid’s day every week! It could be a good way to start a more complete educational work, at first whit the children, and then with their parents,  with the teachers, and step by step we could work with all the population of the town, and  talk about all the issues that we learn in RVA.

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